Tuesday, August 14, 2012

i'll be what no one else wants to be

"Someone has to play the role of the victim.Everyone wants to be champagne,
not the glass.A flower,not the vase.But the world needs glasses and vases.These roles
need to be filled.We need rabbits,not just lions.Rabbits and lions cant
switch places,but humans can.Some will kill,some will be killed.that's the circle
of life,thought there are contradictions.There are no perfect circles to 
be found anywhere in nature."
-Broken Dam from Noriko's Dinner Table

Monday, June 4, 2012

as always,repetition

i feel that i wont be able to make my dreams come true
not only because i dont have a dream
but because i am not strong enough to make it through
the next few years
i have nothing.no future,no past,no present.
i have nothing
i am nothing
i live for nothing
where do you go from that?

Friday, April 20, 2012

to be away from all...

i really want to watch this again..
"i take a deep breath
....B R E A T H !!....
and then i understand it all,
everything lily means "

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


through the past few years i have made and lost "best friends"
but still one has remained through all of them
and i hope that she will be in my life for as long as i breath 
my best friend<3

Thursday, March 8, 2012